Marjorie McNeely Conservatory at Como Park. What an amazing building to drive up to in the middle of the night. All that glass illuminated so softly.
A great example of American Art Deco style from the 20's and 30's. They sure went all out on this sculpture that sits above their door. Heat, Light, and Power are depicted in the three panels.
Just a fun convergence of corners.
It's crazy to think that such detail went into the sidewalk at a street corner.
Once in the path of a wrecking ball, it was saved and restored in the early 70's. If you ever find yourself in the post office in Washington, DC or Milwaukee, WI you'll feel right at home as they share nearly the same blue prints as our St. Paul Landmark Center which once was the federal post office. Architect Willoughby J. Edbrooke
Our mini gate way to NY city. A grand building indeed, but it's interesting to see how simplified the outside architecture is here compared to buildings surrounding it. But, if you compare it to the Grand Central Terminal in NYC, you'll then see why there is the lack of intricate detail on the outside. As the same architect that co designed Grand Central Terminal designed The Saint Paul hotel. Commissioned by Ordway.
Symmetry at its simplest.
St. Paul Public Library. Just a fun push of perspective and color.
Anyone spot the owl?
This building just felt old and stylish. It might have had something to do with its owners.
Now that's detail. Build in the 20's, the Hamm's building was built after purchasing the land from the St. Paul Cathedral.
Just nice.
So warm and inviting. Thankfully it was closed, or I'd have a good reason to walk a few more miles.
Roof edge of a Japanese entry arch.
City skyline amongst the hills.
Watching sunset from the mountain top. They say it's extremely rare to not see the mountains but it still was an amazing sunset.
A look at Camelback Mountain during sunset.
gone. Heading back down as the twilight hour still remains.
Phoenix lights up as the night creeps in.
Look at all those benches ready for a sit.
The heavey machines of the busy city at work on the other side of the river, while I sit in silence and watch the wind blow on this side of the river.
An inviting Inn on the water. The Covington Inn - Bed & Breakfast
I just couldn't help but keep all the lights. So much shine to it all!
The winter evening sets in as the days warmth blows away faster than the setting sun.
St. Paul. A nice view from the river.
Walking by this track, it was a must to capture with these red lights punching through the nights darkness.
Now the question was to shoot high, or low. I did both and I still can't decide which I like. I guess it's okay to like both.
Marjorie McNeely Conservatory at Como Park. What an amazing building to drive up to in the middle of the night. All that glass illuminated so softly.
The Pillsbury endures another flurry.
Stone Arch In Silence
Colorful Reflections - A nice warm winters night, spilling the colors of the city in the waters reflection.
A reflective night -
Aster Cafe - Reminds me of Cheers. So inviting.
Oh Symmetry, how I love the so - But really, why couldn't they have that one light on.
I specifically wanted to take this shot because I remembered this tug boat having lights on it... well there were no lights on it this time. Guess I'll try again another time.
Reflections are always a fun way to view things. The hard part is to not get your shadow in the shots.
This end is up and that end is up, wait? More reflections from the melting snow.
You wouldn't guess this was taking durning the autumn season. Notice the sea smoke in the distance.
Details of the lift bridge.
The rise of the lift bridge.
The Duluth peir lighthouse on a calm and clear day.
The lighthouse and it's details made by Lake Superior seasons.
The details on top of the lift bridge.
The workings of the Duluth lift bridge.